Miracle Hills


Re- Branding

Case Study

This rebrand for Miracle Hills was a case study to practice full company branding and environmental design. My initial meeting with head of PR, Katie Stadola, abled me to discussing their needs and uncover problem areas.

To combat problems such as their colors not matching their current values, and their logo being misinterpreted, I redesigned their logo while keeping their original two figures, the right helping the left onto his feet. These figures now form the letter “M” for Miracle. Supporting graphics suggest a hilly landscape in cohesion with the company name, Miracle Hills, while also representing the hills and valleys everyone experiences in life.

I designed the logo to be adaptable for use with any of the four services Miracle Hill provides: Homeless Care, Addiction Recovery, Foster Care, and Thrift Store. I chose a color for each ministry to aid with identification and symbolically represent its purpose. Used together for the parent brand, these warm and compassionate colors offer design flexibility to communicate energy, approachability, and trustworthiness. 


Citylights Church | BRANDING


Summit Solace Resort | BRANDING